Monday, November 3, 2008

Random Stuff

As some of you know I work for a cable company in town and one of the perks is internet and tv services. Well the other day we were allowed as employees to get the 16meg internet speed. This is great for this blog because it takes like seconds to upload pictures. Now I know you are all saying that then he should be able to get more pictures up here. The problem now comes in what the camera takes. you have to have the thing out and taking pictures before you can load them onto your computer. I wish we could keep up more with that but we just have so much fun with Ella that we forget sometimes.

The other thing is that many of you know that I play drums. About a year ago or so I started playing drum set at our church for the contemporary service. I love it. It is a chance for me to just let loose. The power of music is great and being able to play music for God is even better. Come visit us sometime and come to our church and listen. I thought I would also attach this web link for a local (well sort of) radio station. It is called MY BRIDGE RADIO. It can be heard accross NE and now world wide becuase it is on the web. This is the type of music that we play and typically we try to keep the top ten in our groups. Some of the DJ's are here in Grand Island and we actually know them so that makes it even cooler. So if you ever need a message from God, give it a listen. It lifts me up. Thanks for your time and can't wait for Thanksgiving to see all our family.

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