Saturday, January 31, 2009


Here is just a random picture of my two favorite girls..

Does little Joe look like his daddy or what.

The Benes's came and visited us a couple of weeks ago and we had a good time. We spent the afternoon at the fun factory in Valentino's. I think I had more fun than anyone else, but I am sure that does not surprise anyone.

We spent last weekend visiting our new niece Jentrey. Josh and Julie had another beautiful daughter to bring the J's to 5. Here is Ella wanting to feed the baby. I think she did a wonderful job and did not get too rough with her.

Here is Josh and Julie giving the new one a bath in the kitchen. She only fussed for a bit so I would say Julie did a fine job. :) She is quite the little sweetheart. Jentrey got to sit in Uncle Eric's lap for quite sometime, even got a snoozer in there. Can't wait to see them again.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well I have been a little behind on things but tonight when putting Ella to bed i remembered that I needed to post something that she has been doing for a while now. That is buttons on her PJ's. She loves to do them herself and does a fine job. I hope to get some new pictures in here but life has been pretty busy around here. Post soon.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Random Pictures

This is the table that is in the big box below. Blog put the pictures in backwards. :)

Excited to open such a big present.

"I Love it, It's beautiful!"

She got some new Dora slippers for Christmas.

Couple of music videos

Here are a couple of cute videos showing off Ella's musical talents. You might need to turn the sound up a bit on the second one. I snuck up the stairs to catch this so I was not real close. She loves to sing.

Lots to come!

Well here I am trying to catch up for the last month of posts. There will be all sorts. We have Christmas and some jsut fun ones. Enjoy the next few weeks of posts.