She got to the top of the steps and stopped and said "look at my wings daddy." How can you not melt with that.

We have one of the best daycare places out there. They helped the kids make these Care Bear costumes for trick or treating at daycare. I came to pick Ella up and she was painting this so I know she did it. She loves to paint.

When we went to the store to get a costume we were not sure how it was going to go. As many of you know there are millions out there and trying to get a 2 and a 1/2 year old to make a decision that she will like in a couple of weeks we figured would be a challenge. Not for our little smart one. She looked at all sorts of costume and picked this one out. we showed her others and she was certain this was the one. And to see her light up when she put it on at Halloween was priceless. Running around the neighborhood she would go up to the door and say "trick or treat" which was the cutest and people loved giving her more candy then she needed. Thanks to all our friends that we saw this wonderful night. Ella also wants to say thank you to mommy for carrying her when she got cold. It was a beautiful fall night but I think she thought she could get mom. Trick!
Such a cutie!!
I just figured I wasn't smart enough to figure out how to leave a comment! Ella looks so cute - and so big! I especially like the shoes. :)
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