Each and every year, we have a 3rd of July Fireworks/Corn on a Stick party.
Friends and family come from all over to have fun.
The fireworks party is pretty easy to explain. we spend a bunch of money on explosive things and when the sun goes down we start launching them. The best part of the show is watching our good friend Scott light them and run away. Most of our friends are theatre people so that about sums that up.
The "Corn on a Stick" part is not as easy to explain but this tradition goes back many years. Some friends of ours were on the coast and saw these vendors pushing little carts around and he was selling this contraption of an ear of corn and some wierd spices and stuff. Well they brought it back to the Cornhusker state and we started doing it here. With a few modifications it isn't as bad as you think (those of you who have come to partake in the festivities). All others must try and get here one of these years and try it. We have about 40 or so people that come and have fun at our house.

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