Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ella's Preschool program and Santa!

Ella had her first preschool program this last weekend. She did a wonderful job. She was definetly hamming it up before hand. Then she was moving too much afterwords to get a good picture so you will have to put up with the blurry picture.

Here is a link to You-Tube so you can see the program in its entirety. She did a wonderful job and we had some good seats so we could see Ella. good thing I run sound at church so we could get the seats because people were showing up right after church to get the seats.

Ella and her good friend Shae.

This is Ella with her preschool teacher. Mrs. O.

Santa came to daycare and brought gifts for all the kids to open for their classroom. Ella got to open a Barbie car. Which is what she asked Santa to get her. A Barbie.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"M" My nose daddy!

Cutest little I think.

Ella and I were driving across town after daycare to go home and here is our conversation:

Ella: Daddy McDonald's has a big W on there.
Daddy: No that is a big M for the golden arches.
Ella: Hmmmm
Ella: Daddy, my nose has an M as well
Daddy: It does?
Ella: Yep.

I turn around to see and she is tracing the top of her nostrils if you notice they are in the shape of an M. Some are larger some are smaller, some are rounder some are pointier, but just the same Ella made the association.


Well, I have been slow on posting things here because I have just had too much fun spending time with the family and watching my daughter grow and learn things. something she has started doing (since it has started getting colder outside) is zipping up her coat all by herself. She wants to be very independent and not have mommy or daddy help her with this. Ella has also started 3 year old pre-school as well and she loves it. She goes to daycare at our church and they have a preschool attatched so we do not have to leave work to take her to school. She takes her backpack, that Rosemary gave her for Christmas and is off on Tuesday and Thursdays. I hope to get some pictures posted, but like I said before, we are terrible at taking photos of everything because all events are special to us but maybe not to the world. So we have memories locked up as a family that if you want to see some come visit us. We have room available, just maybe a couch. :)

Monday, August 10, 2009


Well I know it has been a long time since I put anything on here but I have been putting more things on FaceBook so if you want to see more become my friend there. Otherwise you will just have to take what you get here. :) Anyway, Ella found her name today and has learned to write it, so here are some pictures and video of her new found talent. It makes me so proud. It is just awesome to watch her discover.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Ella was so excited to color eggs. Here she is painting them. Daddy and her had a lot of fun making them pretty.

Then here are some beautiful pictures of Ella. This was her new Easter dress this year. She saw the hat at the store as well and wanted it. We could not resist. I would have to say she was one of the cutest girls at Church this morning. Not that I am one sided or anything, but we got lots of comments. :) Anyway, we enjoyed an Easter at home. The Easter bunny showed up and gave Ella some candy and goodies. After three church services this morning we were invited over by Pastor Randy and family to enjoy a meal. There was a good crowd on hand and we sat and got to know families in the church better and got to play "Farkle." while the kids played. Ella was so wonderful and let mommy and daddy enjoy time with the adults. Not that I am bragging too much but I should have won Farkle but came in Second. For those that were there or have played the game understand that that last round was crazy 3 and 4 thousand points in a round! I'll get them next time. Anyway, enjoy the pictures and start to enjoy spring. It was a bit gloomy here with some sprinkles but that did not stop our spirits and fun time with everyone. Christ is risen indeed!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ella's size

For those of you who are keeping track and don't believe that the genes don't run deep in the Lorenz/Hayes/Schreiber/Rissman family, here are Ella's measurements at 3.

37 1/2 lbs
41 1/4 inches tall

Yep you can imagine, above the growth charts. However she is perfectly proportionate for her size, which most of you will hear as your children grow up because our parents did as well, she looks older, like 4 or something. She stands a good head over her class in daycare which has 3-5 year old kids. Oh well, she is perfect!

Ella's 3!

I know I have been behind a bit in the posts, but here are some updated pictures for you from Ella's Birthdays. She had multiple birthday parties and had fun at each one.

Here are her friends that came over for her first party to have some fun. They are all blowing bubbles.

They all enjoyed the cake that Ella and Mommy made for the party and Ella and her friend Shae helped decorate. Notice how much fun they are having eating their cake and ice-cream. We actually had to gravitate over to the neighbors house, Elliot's' house.

Birthday would not be complete without an angel food cake. Ella got to help make this one too and even put the frosting on. She loved it. It was white with sprinkles in it. Homemade no box here.

Grandma promised Ella a special cake from her when she came down so here it is and Ella loved it. We even through in some candles for her to blow out. Then we had cake and Ice-cream. Since Grandpa's birthday is 2 days after Ella's we celebrated that one too. And since Grandma's was a couple weeks after Ella's, we celebrated that one too, hence all of the presents on the table above.

Here is the priceless picture of Ella. She enjoyed everyone coming over and celbrating with her.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fun Songs From Ella

Our little Ella wanted to sing some songs and see them on my phone. So I thought I would share. She is quite the singer.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Random fun from the phone.

Funny glasses from the kids meal at BK.

We had a few inches of snow a few weeks ago and then 3 days later it was in the 70's. Stange weather. But this was making it a pain to get out of town.

She loves the Baby Bumble Bee song. She got lost in it though and just ends.

She just loves to sing but she lost interest quickly after I got the camera out.

Ella could hardly sing the words. Wonder Pets theme song is what she was trying to get out but she was giggling too much. Just some of the fun we have around here at night as a family.

Long past due!

Over the last few weeks we have had some out of townees visiting us. They were all here to see baby J at Josh and Julies but since we live in the area too they made a trip to see us as well. Including baby Mae. It was a pleasure hanging out with Jeb and Lisa for a couple of days and wish we could see them more. Baby Mae reminded us how high you have to put some things. Fortunately for us Ella isn't taht old yet so we did not have too much stuff in reach. We also found out that our gates on the stairs go up in a second.

Jeri took an extra day off for the weekend to hang out with them before they had to fly out of Omaha. Thanks again Jeb and Lisa for coming to see us.

Karen also got in on the action of visiting us. As some of you know Jeri was in a musical and I was playing drums for said musical and we needed all the help we could get to watch Ella. In come Grandma Karen to help. She even came during the week to hang out with Ella, I came home from work and they were taking a nap so I couldn't resist. Thanks for all the help Grandma.

Here is a random picture of little Joe and Ella and Ma and Pa Emmons cabin. We had a great weekend then too. Some pictures I don't have would be from my wonderful sister and parents that came and watched Ella on the weekend too. Technology is so great but you have to use it if you want. Got the camera but it is never out taking pictures by itself. Thanks to them for helping out too. I will post some pictures of the play too. Later all.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Here is just a random picture of my two favorite girls..

Does little Joe look like his daddy or what.

The Benes's came and visited us a couple of weeks ago and we had a good time. We spent the afternoon at the fun factory in Valentino's. I think I had more fun than anyone else, but I am sure that does not surprise anyone.

We spent last weekend visiting our new niece Jentrey. Josh and Julie had another beautiful daughter to bring the J's to 5. Here is Ella wanting to feed the baby. I think she did a wonderful job and did not get too rough with her.

Here is Josh and Julie giving the new one a bath in the kitchen. She only fussed for a bit so I would say Julie did a fine job. :) She is quite the little sweetheart. Jentrey got to sit in Uncle Eric's lap for quite sometime, even got a snoozer in there. Can't wait to see them again.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well I have been a little behind on things but tonight when putting Ella to bed i remembered that I needed to post something that she has been doing for a while now. That is buttons on her PJ's. She loves to do them herself and does a fine job. I hope to get some new pictures in here but life has been pretty busy around here. Post soon.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Random Pictures

This is the table that is in the big box below. Blog put the pictures in backwards. :)

Excited to open such a big present.

"I Love it, It's beautiful!"

She got some new Dora slippers for Christmas.

Couple of music videos

Here are a couple of cute videos showing off Ella's musical talents. You might need to turn the sound up a bit on the second one. I snuck up the stairs to catch this so I was not real close. She loves to sing.

Lots to come!

Well here I am trying to catch up for the last month of posts. There will be all sorts. We have Christmas and some jsut fun ones. Enjoy the next few weeks of posts.